2008 Bentley Continental GTC Base
Vehicle Overview 2008 Bentley Continental GT 6.0L W12Exterior ColorsMain Paint - Moonbeam(14 8E8E)Roof - Black(RFF CE)Interior ColoursMain Hide - Beluga(MHD BB)Secondary Hide - Beluga(SHD BB)Seat Belts - Match to Main Hide(SBT MH)Carpets - Match to Main Hide(CRP MH)Roof Interior - Beluga(RFI MI)Boot Carpet - Beluga(BCP BB)Emblem Stitching - Porpoise(EMB PS)Contrast Stitching - Porpoise(STC PS)Cost OptionSteering Column Cowl - Match to Secondary Hide(SCC SH)Outer Console / Front Fascia - Match to Main Hide(CON MH)Headlining - Match to Can trail (HDL CA)Front Armrest - Match to Main Hide(ARF MH)Rear Armrest - Match to Main Hide(ARR MH)Cantrail - Match to Main Hide(CAN MH)Door Pads - Match to Console(DOR CO)Waistrail - Match to Main Hide(WCR MH)Body ExteriorAlloy Fuel Filler Cap(TDA 2W0)Cost OptionBody InteriorPiano Black(EIH 5TL)4-Spoke, Wood and Hide Steering Wheel(LRA 2ZZ)Cost OptionDeep Pile Over mats To Front and Rear(ZFM 0TX)Cost OptionDrilled Alloy Sports Foot Pedals(FHW VF9)Massage Seats, Front(KMS 4D7)Cost OptionSports Gear Lever(SAG 7F4)Veneer Door & Rear Quarter Inserts(TSV 3LW)Cost OptionElectrical'Coming Home' Controls ( Garage / Electronic Gate Opener )(GRT VC2)Bluetooth Telephone System With Remote SIM Access Profile - Without Privacy Handset(VTV 9W4)CD Changer(CDW 7A2)Power Boot Opening and Closing(SDH 4E7)Satellite Radio
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Great place to buy and sell a car
So many Bugattis wonder if they gonna have the rare one
Love Bugattis if I soo one I would cry